Raise your hand if you’d like to experience the instant gratification of updating your kitchen in seconds and for FREE? I’ve come up with 5 kitchen decor items you should ditch that will do exactly that!
Listen, I love a trendy fad as much as the next gal, but the key to pulling those trends off successfully is knowing when to let them go.
Since I paint cabinets for a living, I’m in and out of a lot of kitchens. One common question homeowners often ask is, “if this was your kitchen, what would you do?” My typical answer is, “it doesn’t matter what I think because this is your home.”
And the long and short of it is, that’s 100% true. It doesn’t matter what anyone else recommends. Your home should be filled with items you love and enjoy:) I felt like I needed to add in that disclaimer as the last thing I’d ever want to do is offend someone with my opinion!
That being said, if you’d like to know how I would give the heart of your home a quickie update, read on!
5 Kitchen Decor Items You Should Ditch
1. Faux Greenery
Gone are the days where faux trailing ivy “grows” in that awkward space above the cabinets! GONE I tell you!
I do get it though, it’s soooo tempting to cram that area up there with STUFF! I’m not sure who thought filling baskets full of ivy, ferns and philodendron would be a great choice…? But it’s time for those greens to go.

When I pruned my mom’s kitchen a few years ago, the room felt oddly weird for like a second. I mean…those plastic plants had lived on top of her cabinets for most of my life! AND, I’m 99.9% sure that I was the one to plant that crap up there in the first place! Trust me when I say, her kitchen breathed a sigh of relief when I pulled the weeds.
So what should you put up there anyway? Well, if you simply cannot live with the idea of no decor atop your cabinetry, here are some fresh ideas.
Marian, aka, Miss Mustard Seed does a fantastic job showcasing how a simple collection of ironstone is stunningly beautiful!

While this photo isn’t of a kitchen, you could totally display a collection of blue and white ginger jars above your cabinets. Swoon

Again, here’s another example of grouping like items together as a collection works magically!

Lastly, How To Nest For Less shows us how having zilch above your kitchen cabinets isn’t a bad deal!
2. Decorative Vinegar Bottles
Back around 1999, my sister brought home three decorative glass bottles filled with vinegar, herbs and peppers that she made in her HomeEc class. My 16 year old self thought they were just the coolest! Mom placed those three bottles in the kitchen window sill, and there they sat for 15 years.
I’m pretty sure I tossed those bad boys the same time I pitched the faux greens. I know what you’re thinking, my mom is so lucky to have me:)
There’s not a doubt in my mind that had I not thrown them away, they’d still be sitting on that sill right now. Not because she loved them or anything, but because they’d been there forever. No one really even noticed them anymore (except me of course).
It’s time we say so long to the vinegar bottles…

What should take their place?
How about these simple glass canisters like Joan from For The Love of a House uses?Here’s a different take, but still incorporating glass. Chris loves Julia can do no wrong when it comes to home decor! This jar is so beautiful.
A good rule of thumb here, like most everywhere, less is more.
3. Giant Silverware Wall Decor
Guys, I don’t know. Maybe I’m being nit picky here, but this one…ugh. I just don’t like it.I’m all for large scale art and decor, but these below examples are more current.

On Sutton Place created a beautiful plate display wall. I love how she added in the texture of the wicker trays!
And who said kitchen artwork had to involve food, coffee or eating utensils at all???? Kristie at The Decorologist shows us this prime example!
4. Wine Bottle Display
This one really makes my eye twitch. Nothing screams outdated like that dust catcher, er I mean, wine bottle rack on top of the fridge. Where did it even come from?? I’m willing to bet that the owner doesn’t even know where it came from. Wait, yeah they probably do…it was either a wedding gift from their parents’ neighbor or a secret Santa re-gift!

Ok ok, so if you can’t imagine living without your wine displayed, how should you do it? The only way I can think of, would be a beautifully stocked bar cart.

But really, if you’re never planning on actually drinking that wine on display, just get rid of it. Please.
5. Red Walls
So ditching this one might not be free like the previous 4, but I had to include it. I’d love to see the stats for red paint sales from like 1997-2004ish. I bet shades of red out sold any other colors back then. Nearly everyone had a red kitchen, right?! If they didn’t have a red kitchen, they wanted one.
Again, I’ll share from my personal history here… While it wasn’t her kitchen, I painted my mom and dad’s bedroom red back in 2003:) Bless her heart! She really is a saint.
Good news is, her room is no longer red (it was actually only one red “accent” wall, remember those?).
So if red is out, what should you cover it up with? Unless you’ve been living in a Pinterest free world, you know that shades of white, gray and griege dominate lately. Give it a few more years, I’ll write another post all about how gray is so ditch-worthy. But for now, here are some lovely examples of how to cool that red down a smidge.

Well there you have it, my thoughts on 5 Kitchen Decor Items You Should Ditch to immediately update your home.
Tell me, can we still be friends?
♥ Kayla
Please make distressed furniture go away. If I want junk, I’ll shop at goodwill
Thank You😁
Funny, KP! And yes to all of this. 😂😂😂 This reminds me of a house I bought in 2003 that came with ALL of these things in the kitchen. Except for the red paint …. that was in the living room and I was responsible for that. 🙂
LOL!! We’ve all been there right!
I just now found this article on Pinterest, (3/2024) and I have to tell you, Kayla, you had me in stitches! You are an amazing writer and I’m sharing this with a couple of friends. ( I know what you’re thinking, my Mom is so lucky to have me.) 🙂 🙂 🙂 And the red wall in the “bedroom!” I’m DYING! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Great article,.. and as we speak, here it is most likely “5” years later and I am just now covering up these red walls in our kitchen! Good grief!
Thank you, Kayla…. that is “perfect”
I like your suggestion to group together and display collections of jars for a magical effect. My husband and I need to make some decisions about the decor of our new kitchen. I’m glad I read your article because you gave me some great ideas about decor for the kitchen!
Very informative. I need to have you analyze my kitchen
Have been “thinking” about getting rid of the “greenery” and “Oil/wine bottles” above my kitchen cabinets and after reading your blog —- I CAN”T WAIT TO RIP IT ALL DOWN!!!!
Can’t believe I’ve left it up there for 15 years! I guess “out of sight” “out of mind” applies to it!
I guess you just have to “read it” somewhere (thanks to you) to realize how outdated the decor is!
I was so scared to read this! How many did I have? None! Although it hasn’t been too long since I did have. Still loving my kitchen; thanks.
Great ideas tactfully suggested. Another thing I would add to the list is sign “art”. Actual antique signs are okay depending on your decorating style. I’m talking about the ubiquitous, mass produced junk that you can buy at any craft or home decor store that tells you how to feel or what to do. It really is time for this trend to end.
I couldn’t agree more! xo
Hooray for my husband who took down all the fake greenery above my cabinets. He is a wonderful decorator and he just cleaned the top, and placed a few white vases on the top. Now my kitchen looks so clean, updated and happy!
You really got me with the gigantic fork/knife/spoon thing. My mom tried to buy a set of those back in the 1970s. I remember grabbing them from her sweet hands and saying “no mama! Absolutely not!” Whew!
Some of these “trends” I’d forgotten about! Red walls! Yep… we had them! Vinegar bottles with peppers… yep, those too! Great post.. walked me right down memory lane!
The red walls also seemed to come with fake greenery!
I agree with all of the above. But I do have to say I was drawn to the red walls with the light cabinets. Just me of course.
I’m definitely trashing the greenery this weekend.
Thanks for the great read!
Thanks for the great decor tips!
Thanks for this lovely post. Agree with all except for the red walls. Have deleted greenery, both fake and real, and streamlined the above-cabinet decor and other open shelves to a few larger, well-matched pieces. It is a very calming space, with less to dust!
As for red walls – in the 1980s I opted for “barn red” wall paper with tiny yellow’beige flowers (more like dots). I had trouble finding the paper and was told (even then!) that this was NOT a popular color scheme. I think it worked because the kitchen was tiny, so cozy. As of early 2000’s, new homeowners had not changed it. Wonder if it’s still there 20 years later. LOL!
I think the “Tuscany” inspired look has sailed away. However. The “Farmhouse” monochromatic gray/beige/white/black is on its way OUT. Aqua is fading fast too.
We are seeing a return to WARM colors. Greens, Reds, oranges, strong blues, yellow accents.
People are regaining interest in Traditional decor, mahogany, interesting fabrics…AND WALLPAPER!
I hadn’t even finished reading your article…and found myself climbing on my stepstool to retrieve a shopping cart amount of greenery from various rooms in my home! Then I went straight to the “decorative” oil/herb bottle on my bookcase. I hadn’t really looked closely at it for several years as it was in a dimly lit area. Sigh. I dumped the contents in a throw-away container and will repurpose the pretty jar. Now to finish reading your article…!
Haha!! I love it:) Hopefully you felt a sense of renewed freshness in your kitchen, Marty!! Thanks for your comment. xo
Haha! I made the same oil vinegar jars for my counters!! AND I just donated a few fake green plants in baskets, which broke my moms heart!
Thanks for this fun post!
Ha!! Sorry momma:( But hey, it’s highly likely that the fake ivy will come back around someday lol. I just hope it’s after I’m long gone! xo
I just moved my into my new home and I’m happy to say I got rid of 4:of the things listed before reading your article. However, the large eating utensils were something I recently purchased for my new kitchen, mine have a more modern spin and I love them in my kitchen.
Awesome! After all, your home should 100% reflect you and what you love!! Thanks for your comment:) xo
What goes around comes around. It’s just more expensive! Fun article.
Hi Kayla,
We have shadow boxes (different sizes) with our collection of travel souvenir spoons, hang in our dining room. Are they outdated ??
Thanks in advance for your advise, even it will break my heart to part with those spoons… sigh, then I have to put away in the garage or donate
Do not part with meaningful mementos and souvenirs! Those precious items are what makes a house a home!! I’m so glad you have them displayed in your home:) XO
My husband and I have been slowly updating our home, the cabinet installers literally just left, and I’ve been trying to find better ways to style it. I’m guilty of 4/5 of the things in this article haha. My daughter works with ceramics so maybe I’ll have her make me a few pieces to replace the weeds. Thank you for sharing!
Great article, yet I disagree with the kitchen “utensil” de or.
The items can be painted to blend in with the wall color so they don’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Better yet, frame them with beautiful thrift frames!
Oh my goodness!! Im cracking up!
I’m so glad I never fell into the green on top of the cabinets trap! I have seen people have baskets on top of their cabinets and that’s super eeeck!
The other day, I saw the vinegar and oil bottles in target & in other stores… are they making a comeback?! I started thinking about all the bottles I had in my kitchen on display…glad they didn’t make it in all the moves after 2007.
The red walls… my ex husband demanded that we have red accent walls in our bedroom and tons of red decor… I HATED it … out with the OLD!
Love your blog!
Good article and so glad to see you mentioned the faux greenery. The giant silverware took my mind went straight to “Everybody Loves Raymond.”
I have no greenery or bottles but I will never give up my 1930-40’s PIG COOKIE JARS. Some are worth big bucks and some are beautifully painted ceramics. Guess they go with my BoHo kitchen and will probably go to the thrift store when I die.
I’m 100% on board with anyone keeping what they love in their homes! xo
I keep everything in my house neutural colors with a splash of color in the decor. That way I can change the accent color(s) when I get tired of them or they are no longer in trend. I do not like painted kitchen cabinets but I have lightened my Honey Oak Kraft Maid ones to brighten the look. Thank you & good luck.